Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Trip to Location (again)

So I got lots of great information and insight in my most recent trip to our location. I took many pictures to help utilize decorating the space.

I'd really like to have some kind of sweet garland above by the clock for pictures. I also want a picture in front of that back window.

Clearly the chruch is incredibly beautiful without much help. Mostly I want candles, as many candles as possible. The goal is glowing.

She said they can place lights outside of the windows to steam light through the windows. This is also the place where Justin and I will have our "private moment" before pictures before the ceremony.

The positioning of the candelabras in the background are what I was focusing on here. The two in the background will be closer to the cross and there will also be two in the front and to the side similar as pictured but further to the side.

These are the things that can be rented for the saanctuary. I really still like the white candelabras to the left of my head in the picture. I'd probably want white candles because I'd prefer the blue but she doesn't have candles in the right color.

These are the white candelabras up close. They are spindly aren't they?

These are the teardrop candle holders that I love love love. I'd probably prefer them if they were white but they are too great to pass up. They alternate every other three pews.This is out in the foyer. The easel behind us is an option to use for signing the guestbook picture mat.

This is the room where I and my bridesmaids are going to be getting ready.

I love these windows. There's another picture i'd like in front of these.

This is the reception room. I love it and it is a challenge. It's beautiful and yet I'm not sure how to make the space ours. I like thinking about it.

My favorite element are the branches hanging above my least favorite are the ivy twinkle lights not because they aren't pretty but because I don't know how to make the ivy work. We will for sure take out the arch (don't you think?) but I'm ok with the trellises angling the corners. The stage will be open space for dancing.

Below I'd like the branches in the tall vases above on the stage in the far right and left corners between the gap from the wall to the railings. I think that this would be a nice touch.

P.S. I really like the stones in the basket in the picture of the branches!

The three doorways pictured lead to the food room and the women's bathroom hallway. The two on the left are the food room doorways.

The Bathroom hallway. I don't really like the red in the mirrors but I do like the candles.

The ladies bathroom.

This is the food room as seen when entered the far right doorway. There are lots of candles but also more ivy. i have no idea what to do with this room.

See how the two doorways are perfect for a banquet line. I am sure that I will want a buffet regardless of what we are eating. We will perhaps display the cake in this room as well. My mom and I are both smitten with the lampost. I'm thinking a red umbrella somewhere in that corner. There are also places for so many candles in here. I really like that. I'm not in love with all of the greenery. I like some of it. Perhaps we can hang fun things from the trees in the room. And maybe take the ivy off of the arch. It just doesn't suit the light airy idea I have.

The arch to the right is where you enter the room from the door to the right leads to the dishes section of the Kitchen.

This door leads to the Kitchen. I think I'd like refreshments to possibly be in the food room and perhaps the cake here angled in the corner as well.

This is the entrance to one of my favorite Kitchens ever! I love it so much! I almost would cut the cake in here if only everyone could see!

I want a fun Kitchen like this. hahaha.

One of the real issues I am faced with is that we are maxing capacity of this space at 250 people but the largest amount of tables are 18 with a max of ten per table. That's only 180 that leaves 70 people not sitting down. One option is the little bistro tables to the side as pictured. I'm not especially fond of how this looks but if we need to...This is another option. As far as I saw there are only three of these taller bistro tables that people can stand at but I'd really like to utilize them. Another thing i though of was perhaps seating in the food room and serving from the Kitchen. Depending on the catering/food.

The tables pictured in the reception room need to be decorated and she has a great many things I am able to utilize.
There are a several red things to use here.I'm a big fan of the blu glass containers. But I'm also kind of hoping for linens in my color blue. Perhaps we will use white I guess. But it would be great in blue. I have much more visual options with the blue.

This is so close to my blue! Dusty shale, Frosted turquoise! yay!This and another picture which i accidentally deleted is the stairway to and from the sanctuary and the reception hall. I'd like a little something here and there to this as well.


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